Nearest Airport:
Milan Bergamo Airport: BGY
Google Maps Link:
Reaching venue using public transport:
Reaching venue using Taxi:
Nearest train station:
Google Maps link:
Reaching venue using public transport:
You can take the train from:
Reaching venue using Taxi:
Nearest Bus stop
“Piazza della Stazione Centrale Dei Treni di Treviglio”
There are buses from Bergamo bus stop to Treviglio Station/bus stop
Nearest highway: A35 (BreBeMi)
Using public transport:
Bus Service: From 8 Am to 8 PM.
Buying Tickets: You can buy the tickets from the Tabacchi Store or from the bus driver.
Train Service: From 5 Am till midnight from Milan/Bergamo/Brescia/Verona.
The venue is 200 meters from the central train station of Treviglio.
Buying Tickets: you can buy the tickets from the website “Trenord” or on the station itself from automatic vending machines and Tabacchi Store.