NA East Coast Samagam
How do I register for the NA East Coast Samagam?
– You can register for the event by clicking on the registration link provided in the Registration section or Register here.
Are there any accommodation arrangements for out-of-town attendees?
– Yes, we have partnered with several hotels nearby. Please check the Hotels section on this page for more details.
Is there any parking available at the venue?
– Yes, Parking is available at the venues. Volunteers will be there to guide you to the designated parking areas.
NA West Coast Samagam
How do I register for the NA West Coast Samagam?
– You can register for the event by clicking on the registration link provided in the Registration section or Register here.
Are there any accommodation arrangements for out-of-town attendees?
– Yes, we have partnered with several hotels nearby. Please check the Hotels section on this page for more details.
Is there any parking available at the venue?
– Yes, there are multiple parking lots available at the venue. Volunteers will be there to guide you to the designated parking areas.