Peace Within..

In this hustle bustle we call life, we often find ourselves navigating a variety of turbulent situations. We rarely have a moment to ourselves and are often yearning for a wave of peace to envelop us and to calm the stormy sea of thoughts. The material world can bring us temporary relief but is not a source of the constant state of peace we desire. Many a time we are unhappy with our place in the world and are unable to connect with our true self.

The Sant Nirankari Mission is an all-encompassing global movement paving the way towards the eternal peace we crave. This spiritual and humanitarian movement enlightens us by spreading the universal message of God-Knowledge that allows us to see beyond the ever-changing material world and to recognise the formless entity “Nirankar” within every individual and to connect to our true essence. We discover our true identity and achieve self-realisation through God-realisation. Once we connect to this formless Nirankar that permeates every particle of the universe we begin to experience this constant state of peace.

With the vision of a harmonious and inclusive society, the Sant Nirankari Mission unites individuals from all walks of life and strives to promote peace, love and unity amongst all.

Next upcoming samagam

Our Guiding Force

The Nirankari Mission inspires seekers on their journey towards oneness through the guidance of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj. The illuminating insight of ‘Brahmgyan’ or God-Knowledge leads to self-realisation through realisation of Nirankar, the infinite source of all existence.

Satguru encourages us to look within ourselves to recognise our spiritual essence, giving us a deeper understanding and greater appreciation of life. This appreciation allows us to look beyond physical differences enabling compassion, selflessness and acceptance. Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Rajpita Ramit Ji, have dedicated their lives for the spiritual enrichment of humankind. Their extensive travels take them to various villages, towns and cities across the globe, guiding millions along the path of spiritual enlightenment.

Resonance of Peace

Once we have discovered peace within ourselves through God Knowledge, we become the very source of it. This peace naturally begins to resonate to those around us. To make the world a more loving and peaceful place, the mission has established over 3000 Centres for Oneness across the world.

The Mission and its dedicated volunteers are engaged in numerous projects and initiatives. They have been widely commended for their work in environmental sustainability, health and social care, community cohesion and disaster relief.

Examples of these worldwide activities include:

  • Tree plantation, land and water cleanliness campaigns.
  • Youth engagement and women empowerment programmes.
  • Elderly assist initiatives
  • Educational scholarship schemes including the establishment of schools and colleges.
  • Free health, eye, chiropractic clinics, yoga sessions, dispensaries, organ donor programmes and blood donation drives
  • Relief and rehabilitation work after natural disasters, adoption of villages, provision of shelter and water.
  • Relief and support provided throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

Global Acknowledgements

The Mission has been honoured with the United Nations General Consultative Status.
It expressed deep humility on receiving honours and commendations for its contribution worldwide:

  • Appreciation from the European Parliament
  • Queen Elizabeth II Award for Voluntary Service
  • Multiple honours from Blood Services in India, Australia, Canada and the UK
  • Multiple awards from the Indian Red Cross and the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation
  • Acknowledgements from the Honourable Prime Minister and the Honourable President of India